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Heeeeyyyy y'all! Wanted to make a super quick blog to start your week off.

Lately, I have not been liking my attitude, the things I say out of my mouth and just my overall response to certain situations. I pride myself on being a positive person. I always try to let my actions, words and responses be not only a reflection of Christ but a reflection of the type of person I am!

Lately, I aint been doing to good with that. The flesh has been winning! LOL But the flesh dies today. I'm getting back to myself and choosing to be careful with the words I speak, the conversations I entertain and also I'm paying close attention to how I react in certain situations.

This week I'm having a week of positivity! I'm challenging myself to be positive in every situation. I want to be so full of positivity and full of love that anyone who encounters me will want to be as positive OR I will be able to plant a seed in their heart.

I want us to meditate on Proverbs 12:18 "Some people making cutting remarks but the words of the wise bring healing."

What are your words bringing?

A few things I'm doing this week to make sure my mind and words stay positive is I'm cutting out my secular music intake. If you follow me you know that has been an area of struggle for me. I notice that when I fill myself up more with secular music rather than my gospel music it produces negative vibes. It makes me respond to things differently and it simply does not produce the same fruit.

I'm also not entertaining certain conversations! Whenever I catch my friends or associates being negative about something I'm going to turn it into a positive!

I've asked God to reveal my heart to me and today I realized I've been slipping up and want to get back in the motion of things!

Join me!

God is working & he loves you sis.

Have a fantastic week!





©2022  by Asia Garrison. 

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