Hey ladies! This is my third attempt at writing a blog post today. I've had so many topics come to mind that I really did not know which one to choose!
However, I just got hit with a Facebook memory that says "Let your life be a blessing! Inspire, motivate, & encourage everyone you come in contact with." I topped that off with a cute picture that I took. (I may or may not post the pic associated with that caption lol)
Anyway, that was so perfect for me to read and be reminded of. Can I be honest with y'all? Today has been feeling real Mondayish. I know that isn't a word but we all know that Monday feeling. Usually, I'm encouraged for Monday because it is a fresh start. Then other days I'm like whewww give me a few more Saturday's. I ain't ready for the week haha.
Today after a few meetings, conversations and a weekend full of unexpected surprises I began to sit and feel my eyes swell. I began feeling overwhelmed with things that I had faith in and overwhelmed in current positions, overlooked in certain areas and just not my normal self. I knew the enemy was trying to attack! I knew he wanted to change my entire mood and attitude. I knew he wanted me to have an offensive spirit, begin to question what God told me to do, be angry at people, have an attitude and completely just step out of my daily character. Chile, when I say I felt it, I felt it. I felt my face changing expressions, my emotions rising and I felt a phone call to my mama coming ASAP!
In the middle of all that the Holy Spirit reminded me of Colossians 3:23 "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people."
And that right there Chile, made me FIX MY FACE! See the enemy wants you to walk around emotional, getting mad when things don't go your way, having a negative attitude at work and simply just being unpleasant. But we are reminded that everything we do is to honor God. We are his servants! We are his examples! We are a representation of him and no matter what, he has our back.
So I just want to encourage you today and right now, to FIX YOUR FACE sis. I get you might not like your job, I get you might not be happy in your current situation, I get that things may not be how you envisioned but your life matters and any opportunity the enemy gets to try to distract you he will.
You are beautiful, you are important, you have purpose, and you want your actions and attitude to reflect the priesthood you come from! PERIOD!
Alright! Now get that face together, smile, be happy, spread love and walk with your head held high cuz no matter what, your service is to the Lord and not man!
Love y'all!
Asia Garrison
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